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INSURANCE ISSUES: HOAs, homes, cars, toys, disasters, policies & coverage, costs, reports & national news
Insurance coverage and costs are national issues being felt by everyone. Colorado property owners and home owner associations are experiencing double-digit premium increases as well as cancellations of insurance coverage and/or reduced coverage. This has increased ownership costs as well as reducing affordability for buyers, especially first-time buyers. The topics listed below are linked to news stories and articles about why insurance costs are rising and the circumstances surrounding it.

Colorado Property Insurance​​​​
CA FAIR insur $1B short 2-13-2025
Maui fire lights way for LA fires 2-13-2025
Building fireproof homes 2-11-2025
State Farm and CA FL issues 2-8-2025
FEMA- keep it or go to states 2-8-2025
LA water fire suppression systems 2-7-2025
Climate change hurting hm costs 2-4-2025
State Farm CA needs higher rates 2-4-2025
Disaster discounts hm values 1-27-2025
Half CO health buyer CO Option 1-24-2025
Risks and socialized coverage 1-22-2025
Rebuilding costs disaster insur 1-22-2025
CO FAIR plan and CA's 1-18-2025
CA nu insur mandate 1-18-2025
CA insur vs FL market reforms 1-17-2025
CA fires insur change in coverage 1-17-2025
Your mortgage whenhouse burns 1-16-2025
CA fires and climate deniers 1-15-2025
CA private fire fighters for rich 1-15-2025
LA middle class up in smoke 1-14-2025
LA losses some not covered 1-14-2025
Calif insur option E&S lines 1-13-2025
Calif LA fires and insurance 1-10-2025
Hot weather '24 and insurance 1-11-2025
House burns & paying mortgage 1-11-2025
Insur shortfall in LA fires? 1-11-2025
Calif fires insur coverage FAIR 1-9-2025
Calif mandates coverage denied 1-1-2025
Colo nu FAIR programs in 2025 12-29-2024
Health insur cover here&world 12-18-2024
Home insur rates going up up 12-14-2024
Most say they like health insur 12-14-2024
Killed exec insur industry issues 12-11-2024
FAIR insur Colo and others 11-9-2024
Are solar panels covered 11-9-2024
Insurers hurt home sales Svaldi 11-10-2024
Calif insurance problems 11-7-2024
FL insur denying claims alarm 10-22-2024
​​​​​​Insurance and Affordability (8-29-2024)
Insurance Issues in general​​​​​​

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